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Mantra Reiki  Healing

Reiki is an ancient system of healing that has gained much exposure in the recent years and has been seen to be effective to heal many people from many afflictions both physical emotional spiritual ailments. 


Healing in the nonmedical sense would be to enhance your body's ability cooperating with Divine Energy to self-heal and to bring the Flow of energy into snyc in order to be connected to yourself and your body and to you Inner True Higher Self,




In your physical body, Reiki moves within to detox your body and unblocks energy trapped within you-you and brings you into a grounded place. Most importantly, It brings you into a deeper awareness of your physical body and how to self-care. 




Mentally Reiki brings you into awareness of your thoughts and your thoughts. Most importantly It brings you into awareness of how thoughts affect your energy body and make better-empowered choices and manifest better into your lives and the path that is being formed 





Emotionally Reiki is priceless, It helps to heal wounds, hurts , cording from people who have left but you are still feeding energy too, It heals emotional patterns that recreate again and again the same emotional dramas and hurts so that the False Self can keep being in charge. It beings your emotions into the present time and to be present in them. It brings one into Higher emotions that are Aligned with the Divine self.E motions of Universal Love and Compassion. Healing ourselves and healing the planet. 




The spiritual aspects of Reiki is endless. It brings you into the Greater Divine Plan. it allows you to heal yourself from healing all around you . It helps you also not get caught up in the attachments of the ego and away from the tug of war that happens around you . It also protects you from all energy forms that might cause damage.Psychic Ablities will also be opened and cleared and healed. 









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