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  • Writer's pictureJagadiswari

Staying grounded

Being grounded while having a spiritual practiseBeing grounded while having a spiritual practice is a crucial aspect of achieving balance and harmony in one's life. Grounding refers to the act of connecting with the physical world and one's body, while spiritual practice refers to the various practices and techniques used to connect with one's inner self and higher consciousness. Together, these two elements can help an individual to tap into their full potential, and lead a fulfilling and meaningful life.One of the key benefits of grounding is that it allows an individual to be fully present in the moment. When we are grounded, we are able to let go of our worries and distractions, and focus on what is happening around us. This is essential for spiritual practice as it allows us to be open and receptive to the guidance and wisdom that is always available to us.Spiritual practices such as meditation, yoga and prayer, are powerful tools that can help us to connect with our inner selves and higher consciousness. These practices allow us to tap into the wisdom and guidance of our higher selves, and to access a deeper level of understanding and awareness. However, without grounding, these practices can become superficial, and may not have the desired impact on our lives.Grounding helps us to connect with our physical bodies and the world around us, which in turn helps us to connect with our spiritual selves. When we are grounded, we are able to bring our spiritual insights and understandings into our everyday lives, and apply them to our daily activities. This can help us to live in a more authentic and meaningful way, and to experience true harmony and balance in our lives.In addition to grounding, it is important to maintain a balance between spiritual practice and physical activities. An over-reliance on spiritual practices can lead to an unhealthy disconnection from the physical world and neglect of physical needs. On the other hand, an over-reliance on physical activities can lead to neglect of the spiritual and inner self.In conclusion, grounding and spiritual practice are two essential elements of a balanced and harmonious life. Together, they allow us to tap into our full potential, and to live in a more authentic and meaningful way. By connecting with the physical world and our bodies, and by engaging in spiritual practices such as meditation and yoga, we can access a deeper level of understanding and awareness, and experience true harmony and balance in our lives.

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