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  • Writer's pictureJagadiswari

My Journey part 2

It was in this time that my journey took me to Canada which gave me years of lessons learnt. From meeting Native Drumming groups to hanging out with candle bearing Wicca folk. I learnt about Magic and all its different varieties. Magic is just a prayer in action. In all forms , you call on the elements and energise and send it as a focused prayer . This was somewhat a safe time for me learning but not able to anchor down with these methods.

Life at this point was a very sharp learning curve. Through no fault of my doing. I was rendered homeless. This was by far the most challenging of lessons but its also when i found Mother. She didn't come do a dance video on my head. but i could feel her. In the deepest anguish , a warmth and sharp protectiveness. I was guided where to find safety , to find food and shelter . I still went for my various spiritual circles and that was also the first time i fell into a trance.

Trancing completely changed my life. its not the mad dancing and oracle speech of now but energetic connection so deep that it goes beyond the body . The feeling of being mothered so strongly that nothing can come between that .

I was also also stricken with Chronic Fatigue at this time and somehow by some miracle came back home to Singapore. Now life gets interesting.

Firstly i realised that what i had was not truly CFS. its a spiritual process where if you are trance deity medium , your body goes through transformation. its like up stepping the voltage you can handle and slowly doing so. Also I met old friends one of whom wrote an article about how i do readings. So this is how it all started

I learned candle magic from the wicca lot and how meditate from the Carmelite nuns , learnt about the Earth from a further adventure when i spent a year in the Black Hills of South Dakota . I was blessed to meet African elders in Texas where i stayed for a time too .

But this presence never left

I found out there were loads of mediums in my family lineage and also i would get flashes of dreams of doing rituals and drawings and giving it to people and telling them how to do this and that . and when I met clients it always worked. These visions brought me all over india to try to understand focus and use what I knew around me .

The compassion i felt from this Being was very overwhelming and even as i do my readings. its like worlds are opened around me . When i ended up in india . in a very particular Kali temple.

The deity descended and spoke through a very experienced medium stating that I was chosen to do this work and to help and heal the people who come.

Yes I know sounds like a bad 70s tamil movie.

I thought so too . but the dreams never stopped. Once in prayer i asked. why me. I am not perfect or learnt or even traditional by any means. why me

The answer was rather stunning. Mother Kali Devi spoke and said She is not Here for the pure and pious for thats easy . She is here in Her compassion to help her children who are lost and stuck in pain and even troubled addicted depressed even . She is here to render strength .

This is Kali's compassion to not skip the dark but to travel within it and reach out Her blessings who are struggling . With problems of loneliness , poverty , sorrow , lost , disturbed. She walks in the Darkness to yank you out of the Darkness. like a Mother who goes into our inner battlefields to wake us up and walk us out of the chaos. Because She cant bear us away from Her

This is why this work is important . To not be lost in fluffy land where you ignore the darkness that is hidden but not gone. and simmering. Rather that you yank it out once and for all .

She speaks to me as I am allowed to heal those who are led to me.

Part 3 is up next

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