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  • Writer's pictureJagadiswari

My Journey

As much as I am so drawn to writing all sorts of fun stuff and things to dazzle you . I am guided to tell you my story and why I believe so much in this work .

I will admit that i have been trying to not write this article because i did not want to make this a pity piece.

But again and again . these feet appeared and i feel I need to . All my clients come to see open and trusting and its time for them to share too in my karmic lessons and how this path came .

My life actually started in pain. I was born premature and my Father started my journey with Mother Kali very early . I am told that he surrendered my survival to Her Divine feet and I am alive in Her will. Perhaps its my early birth or Her claiming me . i was also very sensitive and psychic and it got me into trouble at times. I used to let the cat out of the bag when adults kept secrets and or correctly pick out lottery numbers ( a skill i have lost but just as well i am forbidden to aid in such matters.)

I spent many years in hospital being operating on and that pushed me out of my body making me even more psychic. I have woken up in hospital being able to see departed spirits but also guardian gods and angels that are sent from prayers sent back and forth . My grandmothers house was also situated in a particularly haunted place in Singapore. I used to wake up and see earthbound spirits walking through walls. Cool in a way but jarring.

My first really intense experience was when my grandmother passed .I could see her walk around consoling us. She was medium so she knew that the gifts were handed down to me . She spoke many a message and still i can feel her when i am most tested.

I grew up Catholic too . my mother was catholic . If i could tell me people the beautiful angels that fly around the church as Mass progresses. But I knew not to speak of it .

As i grew up . i could always know if a friend was not ok or was going to fall or even if they were hurting . This empathic ability was both a boon and bane . I did not at the time know how to heal or filter.

As a healer , I always have a balanced view that darkness and light share this world in badness and darkness left many ugly scars including physical hurt , unconsentsual assault and also much rejection .

Part two continues

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