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Mantra Yoga

I have been cracking my head on how to explain how Yoga ties into the Sadhana path . And Guruji ( My Guru's Guru ) who left us 2 years ago blesses me with his words. I am deeply blessed and thankful to have found this article and I place my soul at His Feet as Her Feet.

Mantra Yoga

If our mind is noisy, disturbed, hyper-sensitive, reactive, opinionated, critical, or just constantly busy, we cannot silence it. If we are addicted to sensory sources of stimulation and entertainment, we are not even in control of our minds and so cannot focus them in for stability in meditation.

First, we must set in motion forces to take the mind from its disturbed (rajasic) or dull (tamasic) state to its natural clear quality (sattva). Mantra is the practice for changing the nature of the mind from tamas and rajas to sattva. At the same time, it provides us the focus and energy for going beyond the mind. Mantras prepare the mind for deeper Yoga practices. The other branches of Yoga are (Jnana) knowledge, (Bhakti) devotion, and (Karma) Service.

8 step Ashtanga Yoga of Patanjali.

Mantra is the common link for all 8 steps of Yoga in calming the mind necessary to access the higher Self. Every repetition of intent is a mantra.

1.Yama truthfulness.

2. Niyama: Non –violence, gratitude and sharing.

Truth and nonviolence are mantras themselves. They are constant reminders guide our lives.

3. Asanas performed while repeating the appropriate mantras bring a greater energy and awareness into the bones, muscles, joints and nerves, and help us transcend body consciousness. The 12 names of the Sun are chanted during Surya Salutations.

4. Pranayama practiced with soham, the mantra of breathing, can draw deeper cosmic prana into us for increasing vitality and awareness.

5. Pratyahara is turning senses inwards with bija mantras to know subconscious drives.

6. Dharana is placing bija mantras in various outer locations like body parts of a deity or inner locations like the chakras.

7. Dhyana is flowing meditation on the sound or meaning of a mantra.

8. Samadhi is the state of oneness with the object of absorption and bliss. Guided meditations, sacred sounds and music and graceful dance are some of the best means. In the final stages, mantras drop away, merging into a blissful calm.

By Amritananda Natha Saraswathi

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