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Bonfire in Sand


My Story


My birth name meant ‘the holder of light’, and when I became a priest I was given the name Jagadiswari — “the empress of all existence”. Being born dual-spirited and being dedicated to one deity from birth was not an easy life to live.

Wooden Carvings in a Monastery

My Soul Purpose

You are on the Path reflected by your vasanas,
we have met by Divine design. 

The Hindu faith is forged from a wide level of openness and consists of many different modalities and methods. It is still creating and recreating itself. ​Though I am a Hindu, I have studied the other faiths. Hence, the methods here are all-embracing which is why I want to share the insights and methods that I have been handed down and also presented with. The renewal is happening and the increased interest in healing will create a newly needed consciousness especially in the current age. This realm I will continue to discuss on my blog, so that all may have access to what I have been enlightened with. 

I want to remind everyone that Hinduism is very female positive both in Vedic and pre-Vedic times. Women and men were on equal footing and learning. In my studies, I have found it to be free of gender constraints. My being two-spirited is a living embodiment of non-duality, and I am committed to make sure the knowledge is given equally to all, especially those who identify with the queer community.

For my Hindu readers,

I hope our journey together will create a more contemporary experience and understanding which has been hidden primarily due to language. That we will see how our faith is incredulously magical, useful and effective to clear the path of Karma we call life. I hope it can help you build a grounded life with clarity, always being in Divine Flow filled with peace, bountiful love and well being.

For my non-Hindu readers, 

I want to show you the treasures of my traditions in its proper structures and methods, as opposed to new age inventions that may leave you lacking true empowerment. I want to help you confront all the energy you open yourself up to in casual Chakra openings, and use of mantra, etc.

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What I Do



I come from a family of mediums, which means that I am able to walk between the worlds. I have been long familiar with being able to sense, hear and see ghosts, deities, soul blockage and ‘stuck’ states through an altered consciousness. ​​I use various card decks as my telephone or medium of sorts. I get inspired or asked to speak from my guides who will usually be in conference with your guides. These are the true Akashic records.

As you embark on this journey of discovery, slowly and with guidance, you walk through and process the karma. Your personal Bond and connection with the Divine becomes clearer. Then, we can work together and liberate you through prayer and teaching and ritual process.

Usual Concern for Readings:

  • Karmic Debt and Karmic Bonds

  • Soul Mate Twin Flame Bonds and Confusions 

  • Money and All its Abundances and Limitations 

  • Spiritual Path and Practices

  • Family Deities and Ancestors and their guidance 

  • Prayers and Rituals that are Karma Removals and Boosting ( karma is neutral good and bad ) 


I am terribly inspired by the teachings of Ramana Maharishi. His deepest teachings are about the awareness of the Self and about discovering the Inner Guru. 
I would be most honored to be your guide to help you reconnect with yourself so that the Divine Spark sparkles and speaks to you, through you, for you. This will award you the clarity you may need to process through practical challenges of human life so that the Soul can be freed to start the journey within the Self and to Merge with the Divine within. 

I am more like a coach, just speaking from within myself with what is reflected from within you.

I do this through 

  • One to one guidance through insight sessions 

  • Workshops and Classes 

  • Tailor-made coachings and Practices

  • Spiritual Mentorships

  • Virtual/Distance Readings

Truth is all is karma. We are all dancing in the vasanas of life and making choices based on the lessons of your present or the past.

After a first consultation reading, tailor-made coaching and practice include:

  • Multi-day one-to-one ritual clearing & blessing 

  • Multi-day virtual prayers/pujas for healing

  • Prayers and Rituals that are Karma Removals and Boosting

Concerns for tailor-made practices include:

  • Birth Loss Healing

  • Karmic Reboot/ Cord Cutting

  • House clearing

  • Business clearing 


Call me: +65 85094991

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©2016 Hindu Oracle Divination Services.


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