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 Empower and Discover The Real Devi in You 
Guidance Readings 

JAGADISWARI is your conduit between worlds of ancient knowledges, complex deities, and making life choices in alignment with your highest guides and essence of being.


You do not have to be well-versed in Hindu tradition to receive their blessings with an expert guide on your path.


Born two-spirited as the 7th generation of a family of mediums, and dedicated from birth to the deities, none know more acutely than Jagadiswari what it means when karma has to be paid, but it doesn’t have to be painful.

With her clairsentience, clairaudience, and clairvoyance, Jags brings humor, nurture, insight and compassion to the work of negotiating spiritual forces in the modern age — that the accessibility of new age practices today requires the support of devotional, practical guidance that takes a lifetime of learning to deal with what gets stirred up in the awakening.

Healing Sessions


"I appreciate the clear commitment and devotion to traditional practice. The generosity of this energy was able to help me receive practical and applicable understanding or when possible, resolution into my circumstances.

I would not hesitate to recommend a reading with Jagadiswari, and thank them for this incredibly worthwhile experience."

—  S.K.

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